Undergraduate projects for summer 2024

I am advertising positions for 1-2 undergraduate internships this summer. The ideal candidate is an undergraduate considering applying in the future for PhD positions in pure mathematics, typically just finishing their 2nd or 3rd year of a 4-year undergraduate program, and the idea is to give that person a sense of what life as a researcher in pure mathematics is really like by trying to tackle an open question of unknown difficulty. I have several projects to suggest, or the candidate may suggest another, so long as it is broadly related to algebra or combinatorics. The position, based at Queen’s University Belfast, comes with a modest stipend, working space, weekly meetings, and the (unlikely but not impossible) potential for a research publication. For full details see here:


Groups of order 2024

Happy new year!

Group theory warm-up exercise for the year: what are all the groups of order 2024?

Last year we did 2023, which was rather boring because all groups of order {2023} are abelian. This year the possibilities are much more numerous and the calculation is somewhat involved.

There are some easy initial reductions using Sylow’s theorem. Let {G} be a group of order {2024 = 2^3 \cdot 11 \cdot 23}. Sylow’s theorem implies that there must be a unique subgroup {P} of order {23}. Similarly, in the quotient {G/P} of order {2^3 \cdot 11} there must be a unique subgroup of order {11}. Therefore {G} has a unique subgroup {N} of order {11 \cdot 23}. Let {Q} be a Sylow {2}-subgroup of {G}. Then {G = NQ \cong N \rtimes_\alpha Q} for some homomorphism {\alpha : Q \to \mathrm{Aut}(N)}.

We can easily list the possibilities for {N} and {Q}. There are just two possibilities for {N}: the cyclic group {C_{253}} and the unique nonabelian semidirect product {C_{23} \rtimes C_{11}}. There are five possibilities for {Q}: {C_8}, {C_4 \times C_2}, {C_2^3}, the dihedral group {D_4}, and the quaternion group {Q_8}.

Next, for each choice of {N} and {Q}, we must consider all possibilities for {\alpha : Q \to \mathrm{Aut}(N)}. However, in order to avoid duplication, we must determine when two homomorphisms {\alpha, \beta : Q \to \mathrm{Aut}(N)} induce isomorphic semidirect products.

A quick word about notation. Following standard practice in group theory, we denote group actions on the right. If {x} and {y} are elements of a common group {G}, we denote by {x^y} the conjugate {y^{-1} x y}. We also denote by {x^\alpha} the image of {x} under a given homomorphism {\alpha}. We can then say that the semidirect product {N \rtimes_\alpha Q} is generated by copies of {N} and {Q} subject to the natural-looking relation

\displaystyle  n^q = n^{q^\alpha}.

This relation asserts that the conjugation action of {Q} on {N} is given by {\alpha}.

Suppose {f} is an isomorphism from {G_\alpha = N \rtimes_\alpha Q} to {G_\beta = N \rtimes_\beta Q} such that {f(N) = N}. Then {f} induces an automorphism {f_1} of {N} as well as an automorphism {f_2} of {G/N \cong Q}. These automorphisms are not arbitrary: they satisfy a certain compatibility relation. Namely, for all {n \in N} and {q \in Q} we have

\displaystyle  (n^{q^\alpha})^{f_1} = (n^q)^f = (n^f)^{q^f} = (n^{f_1})^{(q^{f_2})^\beta}.

In other words, for all {q \in Q} we have, in {\mathrm{Aut}(N)},

\displaystyle  f_1^{-1} q^\alpha f_1 = (q^{f_2})^\beta.

Written a third way, we have, as elements of {\mathrm{Hom}(Q, \mathrm{Aut}(N))},

\displaystyle  \alpha f_1^\iota = f_2 \beta,

where {f_1^\iota} denotes the inner automorphism of {\mathrm{Aut}(N)} induced by {f_1}. (Alternatively, if somewhat more traditionally we denote function composition in a right-to-left manner, the compatibility relation is {f_1 \cdot \alpha \cdot f_1^{-1} = \beta \circ f_2}.)

Let us denote by {I_{\alpha,\beta}} the set of all isomorphisms {G_\alpha \to G_\beta} such that {f(N) = N}, and by {C_{\alpha, \beta}} the set of all compatible isomorphism pairs {(f_1, f_2) \in \mathrm{Aut}(N) \times \mathrm{Aut}(Q)}, i.e.,

\displaystyle  C_{\alpha,\beta} = \{(f_1, f_2) \in \mathrm{Aut}(N) \times \mathrm{Aut}(Q) : \alpha f_1^\iota = f_2 \beta\}.

The import of the previous paragraph is that there is a natural map {I_{\alpha,\beta} \to C_{\alpha,\beta}}. Moreover this map is surjective (though typically not injective), because if {(f_1, f_2)} is a compatible isomorphism pair then the map {f :G_\alpha \to G_\beta} defined by {(nq)^f = n^{f_1} q^{f_2}} is an isomorphism (easy exercise). In particular, there is an isomorphism {f} from {N \rtimes_\alpha Q} to {N \rtimes_\beta Q} such that {f(N) = N} if and only if {C_{\alpha,\beta} \ne \emptyset}, i.e., if and only if there is a pair of compatible automorphisms {(f_1, f_2) \in \mathrm{Aut}(N) \times \mathrm{Aut}(Q)}.

We can phrase this conclusion another way. Observe that {\mathrm{Aut}(N) \times \mathrm{Aut}(Q)} acts naturally on {\mathrm{Hom}(Q, \mathrm{Aut}(N))}. The {\mathrm{Aut}(Q)} factor acts by precomposition, while the {\mathrm{Aut}(N)} factor acts by conjugation. Isomorphism classes of split extensions {N \rtimes Q} are in bijection with orbits of {\mathrm{Aut}(N) \times \mathrm{Aut}(Q)} in {\mathrm{Hom}(Q, \mathrm{Aut}(N))}. (Here we consider {N \rtimes_\alpha Q} and {N \rtimes_\beta Q} to be isomorphic as extensions if and only if there is an isomorphism {f : N \rtimes_\alpha Q \to N \rtimes_\beta Q} such that {f(N) = N}. In general this is more restrictive than mere isomorphism as groups.)

Now consider the special case in which {\alpha = \beta}. In this case {I_{\alpha,\alpha}} is a subgroup of {\mathrm{Aut}(N \rtimes_\alpha Q)} and {C_{\alpha,\alpha}} is a subgroup of {\mathrm{Aut}(N) \times \mathrm{Aut}(Q)}, and the natural map {I_{\alpha,\alpha} \to C_{\alpha,\alpha}} is a homomorphism. Let {K} be the kernel. Then {K} consists of all isomorphism {f : G \to G} that restrict to the identity on {N} and induce the identity on {G/N \cong Q}. This implies that there is a map {h : Q \to N} such that {q^f = q q^h} for all {q \in Q}. Since {f} restricts to the identity on {N}, we have

\displaystyle  n^q = (n^q)^f = n^{q^f} = n^{q q^h},

which implies that {h} takes values in the centre {Z(N)} of {N}. Moreover, {q^f = qq^h} is a homomorphism {Q \to G}, so we must have the relation

\displaystyle  (q_1q_2)^h = (q_1^h)^{q_2^\alpha} (q_2^h).

This relation means that {h} is a crossed homomorphism from {Q} to {Z(N)}. The group of crossed homomorphisms {G \to M} is usually denoted {Z^1_\alpha(G, M)}. Thus we have a short exact sequence

\displaystyle  Z^1_\alpha(Q, Z(N)) \to I_{\alpha,\alpha} \to C_{\alpha,\alpha}.

In particular, if {N} is a characteristic subgroup of {N \rtimes_\alpha Q}, {I_{\alpha,\alpha}} is the full automorphism group, so we have a short exact sequence

\displaystyle  Z^1_\alpha(Q, Z(N)) \to \mathrm{Aut}(N \rtimes_\alpha Q) \to C_{\alpha,\alpha}.

In fact {C_{\alpha,\alpha}} can be identified with the subgroup of automorphisms of {N \rtimes_\alpha Q} preserving {Q}, so this sequence splits and we find that

\displaystyle  \mathrm{Aut}(N \rtimes_\alpha Q) \cong Z_\alpha^1(Q, Z(N)) \rtimes C_{\alpha,\alpha}.

Let us put all this into practice. Recall that we have two possibilities for {N}: {N \cong C_{253}} or {N \cong C_{23} \rtimes C_{11}}. Let us consider the case {N \cong C_{253}} first. We have

\displaystyle  \mathrm{Aut}(C_{253}) \cong \mathrm{Aut}(C_{23}) \times \mathrm{Aut}(C_{11}) \cong C_{22} \times C_{10} \cong C_2^2 \times C_5 \times C_{11}.

For each choice of {Q} among {C_8, C_4 \times C_2, C_2^3, D_4, Q_8} we must tabulate the homomorphisms {Q \to \mathrm{Aut}(C_{253})} up to the action of {\mathrm{Aut}(Q)} by precomposition and the conjugation action of {\mathrm{Aut}(C_{253})}. Since {\mathrm{Aut}(C_{253})} is abelian, the latter action is trivial. Any such homomorphism must take values in the Sylow {2}-subgroup {C_2^2}, so we are reduced to tabulating homomorphisms {Q \to C_2^2} up to automorphisms of {Q}.

Case {Q = C_8}: There are four. Among these are groups with the structures {C_{2024}}, {C_{23} \times (C_{11} \rtimes C_8)}, {C_{11} \times (C_{23} \rtimes C_8)}. The last has the structure {C_{253} \rtimes C_8}, and the action of {C_8} on {C_{253}} is fixed-point-free.

Case {Q = C_4 \times C_2}: Write {Q = \langle x, y \mid x^4 = y^2 = [x,y] = 1\rangle}. Any homomorphism {Q \to C_2^2} must kill {x^2}, so factors through {Q / \langle x^2 \rangle \cong \langle x, y \mid x^2 = y^2 = [x,y] = 1\rangle \cong C_2^2}. Naively are {4^2} homomorphisms {Q/\langle x^2\rangle \to C_2^2}, but {\mathrm{Aut}(Q)} acts by swapping {x} and {xy} (while {y} is fixed) and the number of orbits of homomorphisms {Q \to C_2^2} is {1 \cdot 4 + 3 \cdot 2 = 10}. These groups include {C_{253} \times C_4 \times C_2}, {(C_{253} \rtimes C_4) \times C_2}, {(C_{11} \rtimes C_4) \times C_{23} \times C_2}, {(C_{23} \rtimes C_4) \times C_{11} \times C_2}, {D_{253} \times C_4}, {D_{11} \times C_{23} \times C_4}, {D_{23} \times C_{11} \times C_4}, and {3} others.

Case {Q = C_2^3}: There are {4^3} homomorphisms {C_2^3 \to C_2^2}, but only {5} up to the action of {\mathrm{Aut}(Q) \cong \mathrm{GL}_3(2)}. They are in bijection with subgroups of {C_2^2}. The corresponding groups of order {2024} are {C_{23} \times C_{11} \times C_2^3}, {D_{11} \times C_{23} \times C_2^2}, {D_{23} \times C_{11} \times C_2^2}, {D_{253} \times C_2^2}, and {D_{11} \times D_{23} \times C_2}.

Case {Q = D_4}: Any homomorphism {D_4 \to C_2^2} factors through {D_4 / D_4' \cong C_2^2}. Just as in the case of {C_4 \times C_2} there are {10} homomorphisms {D_4 \to C_2^2} up to the action of {\mathrm{Aut}(D_4)}. The groups of order {2024} include {C_{253} \times D_4} and {9} in which {D_4} acts nontrivially on {C_{253}} by conjugation.

Case {Q = Q_8}: Any homomorphism {Q_8 \to C_2^2} factors through {Q_8 / Q_8' \cong C_2^2}. In this case {\mathrm{Aut}(Q_8)} acts on {C_2^2} as {S_3}, so as in the case of {C_2^3} there are just {5} homomorphisms {Q_8 \to C_2^2} up to automorphisms of {Q_8}. Thus there are {5} semidirect products of the form {C_{253} \rtimes Q_8}.

Now consider the case in which {N \cong C_{23} \rtimes_\alpha C_{11}} is nonabelian. Since {C_{23}} is a characteristic subgroup of {N} (being the only subgroup of order {23}), we have

\displaystyle  \mathrm{Aut}(C_{23} \rtimes C_{11}) \cong Z^1_\alpha(C_{11}, C_{23}) \rtimes C_{\alpha,\alpha},

where {C_{\alpha,\alpha}} is the subgroup of {\mathrm{Aut}(C_{23}) \times \mathrm{Aut}(C_{11})} consisting of compatible pairs. Consider the compatibility relation {\alpha f_1^\iota = f_2 \alpha}. Since {\mathrm{Aut}(C_{23}) \cong C_{22}} is abelian, {f_1^\iota} is trivial, so the relation reduces to {\alpha = f_2 \alpha}. Since {\alpha} is injective, this implies that {f_2} is trivial. Therefore {C_{\alpha,\alpha} = \mathrm{Aut}(C_{23}) \cong C_{22}}. Meanwhile one checks that {Z^1_\alpha(C_{11}, C_{23}) \cong C_{23}}. Therefore {\mathrm{Aut}(C_{23} \rtimes C_{11}) \cong C_{23} \rtimes C_{22}}. Now if {Q} has order {8} then any homomorphism {Q \to C_{23} \rtimes C_{22}} takes values in a Sylow {2}-subgroup isomorphic to {C_2}, which are all conjugate. Tabulating homomorphisms {Q \to \mathrm{Aut}(N)} up to the natural action of {\mathrm{Aut}(N) \times \mathrm{Aut}(Q)} is therefore equivalent to tabulating homomorphisms {Q \to C_2} up to automorphisms of {Q}, which just amounts to tabulating automorphism classes of subgroups of {Q} of index at most {2}. This case is therefore somewhat easier than the previous one.

Case {Q = C_8}: There are just two. The corresponding groups of order {2024} have the forms {(C_{23} \rtimes C_{11}) \times C_8} and {C_{23} \rtimes (C_{11} \times C_8)}.

Case {Q = C_4 \times C_2}: There are three, corresponding to subgroups isomorphic to {Q}, {C_4}, and {C_2 \times C_2}. The corresponding groups of order {2024} include {(C_{23} \rtimes C_{11}) \times C_4 \times C_2}, {(C_{23} \rtimes C_{22}) \times C_4}, {(C_{23} \rtimes C_{44}) \times C_2}.

Case {Q = C_2^3}: There are two, since all index-{2} subgroups are essentially the same. The corresponding groups of order {2024} are {(C_{23} \rtimes C_{11}) \times C_2^3} and {(C_{23} \rtimes C_22) \times C_2^2}.

Case {Q = D_4}: There are three, since there is a unique subgroup isomorphic to {C_4} while the two subgroups isomorphic to {C_2 \times C_2} are equivalent by an automorphism. There are three corresponding groups with structure {(C_{23} \rtimes C_{11}) \rtimes D_4}.

Case {Q = Q_8}: There are two, since the three subgroups of {Q_8} isomorphic to {C_4} are equivalent by automorphisms. Thus there are just two groups with the structure {(C_{23} \rtimes C_{11}) \rtimes Q_8}.

Thus altogether there are {34+12 = 46} groups of order {2024}.